About Us OrganizationalLeadershipEDU.org
Superhuman effort isn’t worth a damn unless it achieves results.
~ Ernest Shackleton

To get in contact with us for updates or anything else, please email here:Â [email protected].
What We Offer
It turns out that the best lessons in leadership are deeply connective and deeply personal. In fact, a lot of what’s involved in learning how to become a great leader has to do with the social nature of leadership.For visionary leaders, challenges become opportunities for creative solutions, and every hard decision is just a chance to refocus on the objective.Leadership development is not a process you go through alone. Behind every great leader are the people that helped them climb that mountain. Some of them are close to you and deeply invested—a business partner, work colleagues, or a loyal team of employees. Others you may have crossed paths with earlier in life, giving you precisely the right boost at just the right moments. A parent, coach, or mentor with a key piece of advice that changes your perspective. A supportive friend group that recognizes you as a natural leader. A college professor with a thought that sparks a storm of great ideas in your mind. The team here at OrganizationalLeadershipEDU.org is here to help where we can too.
Earning a degree in organizational leadership is simply one more step down the path you are already walking.
Our Contributors
The team here at OrganizationalLeadershipEDU.org comes from as many different backgrounds and experiences as the people who use our site. All have key, character-forming life lessons backing up every word they write. Each of them has had moments where they have stepped up to the plate and taken charge. OrganizationalLeadershipEDU.org brings these independent voices together.

Scott Wilson is a creative writer today only courtesy of the skilled ministrations of the Department of English… [Read more]
Scott Wilson

Jennifer is a freelance writer with more than a decade of experience covering topics like higher education… [Read more]
Jennifer Williams

An avid writer, Alex has been working in the industry for over five years. Specializing in content marketing, he enjoys… [Read more]
Alex Dorian

Rebecca is a full-time writer and editor with a BA in Journalism and Communications. Rebecca has built her… [Read more]
Rebecca Turley

Haley is a graduate of Harvard University with a master’s in creative writing .and a bachelor’s… [Read more]
Haley Boyce

Catherine Dorian lived and taught in rural Montana for four years, where she embraced… [Read more]